My travel essentials
I wrote this post ages ago when I went to the Lake District in May and I forgot to post it (oops). I found it recently and, well... here it is! (I really need to organise my life a little bit). How I pack for a week-long holiday and my road trip essentials As a person who lives a minimal lifestyle, I would like to show you how I pack for a 7-night holiday. This may be helpful for people who pack way too much and want to only pack a small amount which is so much easier to handle. As I am currently on my journey towards a minimalist lifestyle, I wanted to show you how I am packing my bags for the trip, which will hopefully convey to you all how a semi-minimalist travels. I will be using my little pink suitcase and a backpack which I will use every day when we go out and to pack road trip essentials in. Road Trip Essentials It will take us 5-6 HOURS in the car to get there! Obviously, we will be taking regular breaks as thinking of being in the car ...