The Podcasts I am loving right now

What I am listening to every day

(Except music which I listen to pretty much all hours of the day other than podcasts)

A couple of years ago, I discovered the podcasts app on my iPod and I found so many amazing, inspirational podcasts. Then, as I got more into listening to music and watching YouTube videos, I stopped listening to them as often as I did. I lost my love for podcasts for probably about a year. In September 2017, I started college studying A levels and I found audio helped me best when I revised or learning other things in my spare time. And that is how I rediscovered podcasts!

Anyway, there are many that I listen to that help me with my revision, such as BBC Radio 4's 'In our Time' and I used the 'Hamlet' episode to help with my revision. But, there are 2 that I listen to the most...

The Minimalists Podcast

The first podcast that I love listening to is the minimalists podcast. As I have been going through my minimalist journey, I find so useful to listen to what they have to say about this lifestyle and what they value now that they have gone through the process. They also answer the audience's questions which I find helpful- I usually have the same questions to ask. Another good thing about them is that they are funny and entertaining to listen to. I listen to this podcast almost every morning when I walk to college.

BBC Radio 4's Seriously...

The other podcast that I listen to is BBC Radio 4's 'Seriously...'. It is basically a mini documentary about anything interesting or remarkable in the world and various people are interviewed. They are quite short which I like- maybe around 30 minutes at most- and I can get through lots in one long car journey. I've really wanted to be more cultured and educated about the world and this is helping me do this. I never thought I would have any time to learn anything new; I have quite a busy schedule- full time college student, work, blog, etc. But, I can multi task with them! Car journeys, long daily walks, cleaning and anything else that doesn't need full concentration is the time that I learn and feel inspired by this podcast.

That sums up my two favourite podcasts to listen to and a bit about why I like them (it was a bit rambly at the end). If you want to know more about my minimalist journey (which was mentioned), I am in the middle of creating a long post about it; it will be up soon!
